Today I have printed out my final outcome and I love how it turned out!


My first attempt to print went a little wrong because Andy accidentally put the paper the wrong side up when printing on both sides but at least I knew that everything was set up right on the computer and I knew that the text wasn’t too small. Thanks to this accident I knew how my final outcome would look before I printed it.

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These are photos of my final outcome once I cut it out using the guillotine (trying to make it as accurate as possible) then folded it (again as accurately as I could). I am very happy with how it turned out and I am glad that it is finally printed out. The only thing I would add if I could was to emboss on the braille page but unfortunately we don’t have access to any embossed paper or an emboss or braille printer at college. But other than that I am very happy with how it turned out and I love how it looks.